Crossroad of Lenin street and Karl Marx street in Irkutsk city, Russia


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The live camera captures the bustling traffic at this junction, ensuring smooth flow and safety for peoples.Lenin Street, named after Vladimir Lenin, the revolutionary leader and founder of the Soviet Union, is a prominent thoroughfare in Irkutsk. The street's history traces back to the early days of the city's development, and it has witnessed significant transformations over the years. The presence of a tram running along Lenin Street adds a touch of nostalgia to the city's transportation system, providing a unique charm to the area.

Karl Marx Street, named in honor of the renowned philosopher and economist, is another prominent avenue in Irkutsk. Like Lenin Street, it has played a crucial role in the city's growth and development. Karl Marx Street is home to various businesses, including banks, offices, and retail establishments, contributing to the commercial vibrancy of the area. At the intersection of these two historically significant streets stands a monument dedicated to Vladimir Lenin, commemorating his pivotal role in Russian history. The statue serves as a reminder of the city's connection to the revolutionary era and its ongoing commitment to socialist ideals.


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